Skateboard or longboard

Skateboarding and longboarding are equally interesting and extreme fun, which has long become a sport. The adrenaline we get is usually associated with a very invigorating emotional state.

So whether we practice it as a hobby or professionally, in both cases we get the thrill of that feeling. And best of all - you can ride a longboard or skateboard, regardless of age. It's called fun!

But which of the two should we choose?

What are they?

Longboard is a special type of skateboard. Manufacturers create skateboard  models in different styles to serve different purposes. Some are tailored for someone special trick while others are designed to provide a completely different feeling when riding. Sometimes skateboards require a certain level of experience to be used. While conventional skateboards may vary on many factors longboards are quite different and certainly worth separate categorization. Here are some basic differences between skateboards and longboards and how to find out which of the two types is more suitable for you.

Tricks or speed touring

The main difference between a skateboard and a longboard is that the longboard is actually bigger and longer.
The skate board is folded on both sides, which makes it suitable for jumping and tricks. Skate parks are equipped with the appropriate equipment for this - ramps, railings, edges, slopes ..
 On the other hand, with a longboard you can also do tricks, but different. It is more suitable for moving, speeding and descending on streets and hills. Its heavier weight further increases the speed. So long streets with good slopes or hilly terrain are enough for the longboard. It is suitable for asphalt, promenades and parks.

Skateboard and longboard sizes

The skateboard is smaller. The size of the shoes, the weight and the height are important when choosing it. The wider board is suitable for beginners. The lightness of the skateboard is crucial for doing tricks and rolling it in the air.

On the other hand, the larger dimensions of the longboard, and its larger wheels, make it more stable and more flexible. With uneven roads, traction is better and this makes it suitable for less smooth terrain. Balancing is much easier, so if you are a beginner it will be much easier. The longboard also has more cornering stability due to the larger and softer wheels.


As the name implies, longboards are usually longer than normal skateboards. Even though longboards do not have any strict requirements for their length, they are usually about 130 centimeters long, while standard skateboards have a length of about 91 cm. Skateboarding was originally conceived as a land alternative ofn the sea "surfing". Although longboards are not as long as even the short surfboards, many professional terms and descriptions used are very similar with sailboards.

Ordinary skateboards are very suitable for parks and ramps where low weight of the board and its maneuverability allow you to jump and do tricks with ease. However, for longer destinations their length makes them more fragile and more awkward. In contrast to this, longboards are designed to transport. Longboarders can drive for miles and enjoy the smooth and continuous trips around the city.

The longer length of the longboard, usually about a meter, can make it difficult for beginners to maneuver. However, it is more suitable for movement and very comfortable on wide turns. The short board of the skateboard makes it more suitable for easy maneuvering and faster movement in the crowd.

Of course, the dimensions of both types of boards are related to their weight.

The advantage here is the lighter skateboard, which makes it more suitable for tricks and jumps and more comfortable to wear.

The heavier weight of the longboard helps to gain speed faster. When we add the movements that mimic waves, it really brings that feeling.


For its movement skateboards require frequent foot propel to create thrust. In longboards this action is not necessary, especially when driving at higher speeds. The designs variety in longboards allows them to be operated by simply moving the center of gravity back and forth. This movement creates a driving force to board and does not require your foot to leave the board. Often, while riding your longbozard you can move indefinitely on flat ground or downhill without having to disembark or to propel it with foot.


The length and stability of the longboard make it much easier to ride compared with the skateboard. Smaller models skateboards require a much better balance on the board. In longboards you can stand with a wider stride, which will allow you a much better balance than standard skateboards. The longboard usually is wider, which provides greater comfort for those with larger foots. Skateboards widths usually vary between 17 cm and 25 cm.  Longboards do not have a standardized width, but in most cases it starts from about 25 cm long and grow according to the model.


Those of you who are used to do amazing tricks with the skateboard will be able to learn to do them with the longboard too. They may not be as fast, but a lot of different jumps, flips and driving on ramp are possible with longboards as well. The length of longboard adds extra beauty to these tricks and it compensates for the slow speed of implementation of these tricks.

Hobby or sport

Skateboarding originated as a sport in the fifties of the last century. It has changed over time and different styles have emerged from it, but it remains a classic and many people practice it professionally as a sport.

 The longboard is mainly used for skating for fun.

Easy - difficult

So, the larger size of the longboard, its better grip and easier balancing make it more suitable for beginners, and therefore the skateboard - for more experienced enthusiasts. This, of course, should not make us think that if we are a beginner we will not be able to handle a skateboard. However, when we have the desire, we can do everything - even transfer the feeling of riding on the asphalt!

Whichever we choose, skateboarding or longboarding almost always becomes a way of life. Still, longboarding is the new trend that is very relevant…, but the good old skateboard has remained a classic for several generations. And what do you want to be?

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