Inline skates or quad skates - what to choose

Inline or quad skating is equally fun and adventurous. With them you can walk in the park, do tricks on the ramps and move around the city quite quickly. The wind in your hair while riding will definitely bring you a good mood and a feeling of freedom.

However, which of the two should we choose - inline skates or quad skates? At first glance, they are quite similar, but the differences are significant.

What is the difference?

  • Arrangement of the wheels - for inline skates they are located in one row along the length of the shoe, and for quad skates - in two rows, in pairs;
  • Wheel size and thickness - in inline skates they are thinner and taller;
  • Brake - for quad skates it is located at the front, and for the inline skates - at the rear;
  • Shoe - in inline skates it is similar to a ski boot, and in quad skates it is made of softer material, such as textile or leather;

Advantages and disadvantages

From the listed differences, we can easily understand what are the advantages and disadvantages of inline or quad skating.

1. Speed

If you want to develop speed, your choice automatically leads to inline skates. They are faster and more maneuverable. They easily overcome obstacles and are suitable for uneven terrain.

2. Road stability

Here the scales are tilted towards the quad skates, which due to their two rows of wheels, provide you with better balance and balance. If you are just starting to learn to ride, the stability of quad skates will give you confidence. They are more suitable for beginners.

3. Terrain

Quad skates perform better indoors and on flat alleys, without obstacles. In this respect, inline skates bring more freedom. With them you can go all over the city, sneak into the crowd and even go down the stairs.

4. Stopping

Due to the location of the brake, at the rear of the inline skates, stopping is easier with them. It is done by pressing the heel, it is obtained smoothly and there is no danger of sticking our nose in the asphalt. In quad skates, it stops on your toes, abruptly and is much more dangerous.

5. Conmfort and safety

Quad skates have more comfortable shoes, but when falling we can not rely much on them.

In inline skates, the hard and high shoe supports and protects the ankle from sprains or breakage. The foot feels much more stable and protected inside.

A few more tips

Whatever you choose, don't forget the safety gear you should have. Helmet, knee pads, elbow and wrist protectors and gloves will protect you in case you do not feel like riding at the beginning.

A bag for inline or quad skates is also a good accessory. With it you will easily store and transport them.

Even if you fall at the beginning, you do not despair. Thus prepared and protected, you will soon ride with a smile and ease.

So the main issues when choosing between the two are:

  • how fast you want to be;
  • do you want to fly and jump or just soar in the park for fun;
  • Will you be highly maneuverable to overcome various obstacles, or will you smile casually with your roller skates?

The choice of inline skates or quad skates is very exciting. In both cases, the budget also matters. However, in no case, in order to maximize your pleasure, the price should not be at the expense of quality. This will ensure maximum stability and protection.

And when you have already made your choice, you put on your skates and no one can stop you. The day is wonderful and you are riding the magic wheels.

Photos: Tempish Official

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